
9-1-1: Lone Star: Rashad Raisani Talks Honoring Grace, Crafting Strong Character Arcs & Leaving a Door Open

It shouldn’t be surprising that the people behind 9-1-1: Lone Star are just as passionate as the characters onscreen and the series’ fanbase.

The beloved first-responder show had much to contend with, from the impact of the strikes to the departure of a revered actress and character and now a heartbreaking cancellation.

But that doesn’t diminish the hard work the cast and crew have put into an explosive, fiery, and heartfelt final season.

Wyatt has a chat with his father about the future.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

TV Fanatic was pleased to speak with showrunner Rashad Raisani, who was thrilled to tease all the exciting things ahead for this season and his Hail Mary hopes for any version of the series that could live on.

Utterly passionate and devoted to this series, you won’t find a bigger fan and champion of 9-1-1: Lone Star than Raisani himself.

Check out what he had to say below!

How 9-1-1: Lone Star Pays Homage to Grace Ryder and Upholds Her Legacy

Tracking Down a SWAT-er-tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 11Tracking Down a SWAT-er-tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 11
(Jordin Althaus/FOX)

I’ll just dive right in with a two-parter. First, how did you guys settle on the missionary trip to explain Grace’s absence?

Sure. Go right for the hard ones, huh?

I have to, I have to. [Laughs]

A lot of thought went into that, and frankly, it all came down to a conversation I had with Jim Parrack, who plays Judd because so much of it would affect his character this season and his character’s arc.

Like me, Jim also has nothing but love, respect, and admiration for Sierra McClain, who plays Grace. So, a huge amount of consideration went into how we protect Grace’s character and Sierra McClain, their grace and dignity, and what they mean to the show.

Ryders in a Waiting Room -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 9Ryders in a Waiting Room -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 9
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

But we also found ourselves in a position where we had no choice but to move forward as a series.

And so we didn’t want to do anything cheap, have her die, some offscreen death or something that wouldn’t be true to her character, like leaving Judd and her baby for some other reason other than the highest calling that we could possibly think of.

The only calling we could think of that would be higher than sticking around with Judd and her baby was to help children worldwide.

And these are real organizations that help kids with cleft palates or kids who don’t have clean drinking water or basic needs.

That was the only calling we could think of that could protect her character and explain her absence.

Characters and Viewers Will Still Feel Grace’s Presence Throughout the Season

Relaxing with the Ryders -tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 14Relaxing with the Ryders -tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 14
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

OK, the second part, will the season pay homage to Grace’s character throughout?

Yes, Grace’s absence will be played throughout the season because it’s just so fundamental to Judd’s character.

When Grace and Judd met in “Saving Grace,” we did their prequel about how they came together.

My favorite episode, by the way.

Really? Oh, great!

Ryder Two-Step - tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 9Ryder Two-Step - tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 9
(Jordin Althaus/FOX)

Judd Loses His Center But Finds Support with Wyatt

Well, if you remember, Judd was in a desperate place when he found Grace. She is his center. I talked a lot to Jim about losing his center and how we had to play that.

And so what really does become his arc in season five is what Judd looks like without his center if she’s not there to keep him together in the way that she has been in the entirety of their marriage.

I’m sad that it didn’t work out and she couldn’t be on the show anymore, but I’m also tremendously proud of the way that we were able to try to use that to tell some really powerful stories that were about her, even if she couldn’t be there to be in them.

Wyatt Evolves and Matures as a Character

Shaking hands with a bestie.Shaking hands with a bestie.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

Interestingly, it feels like Wyatt fills that space Grace leaves behind professionally and by grounding Judd. And you guys get to explore the adult son and his father having that bond.

Yeah, that’s right.

In 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5, we had always talked about Wyatt being a kid who wanted to be a first responder. Something vital to me was ensuring everyone in the world understands that dispatchers are the FIRST first responders.

So we were already planning to tell a story honoring first responders by showing the character of Wyatt that you may not be able to be a firefighter anymore now that you’re paralyzed — but you can still be a first responder and a critical one.

Wyatt's first day at the call center.Wyatt's first day at the call center.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

We planned to have Grace take Wyatt under her wing in the call center in the first half of season five and then allow him to be a fully-fledged dispatcher in the back part of the season.

But with Sierra not coming back and us being off the air for a year and a half, we just decided, well, look, that all could have happened between seasons so that we could have him in the chair at the beginning.

And I think, as you said, one of the beautiful things about his relationship in season four is that Judd was very much the father figure to Wyatt, both when he was getting into trouble and then when he became a firefighter or was trying to become a firefighter, and then when he got injured.

Now, we’ll see Wyatt being more of a rock for Judd as Judd goes through a period of struggle this season. They do a beautiful job together.

9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Explores Characters Like Never Before

TNT treats a patient on the scene of a call.TNT treats a patient on the scene of a call.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

It feels like the season is very conscientious and deliberate in highlighting and balancing all of the characters. Can you tease how the characters will progress this season?

I love every actor and character on the show. So, for the first couple of weeks of our writing room, we don’t talk about cases or 911 calls.

We do a little bit, but really, it’s about where these human beings are going as people and what big life events or big life struggles we think would enrich, illustrate, or allow them to grow.

Owen Faces a Season of Rebirth in 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5

And so I think, running down the list, we have Owen, who, when we leave him in season four, he’s had this, and he’s lost a lot of people.

Owen loses his brother under very suspicious circumstances, which we will unpack more in this season. He loses his best friend, Judd, who leaves the firehouse to care for his son.

And he loses Gabriel Reyes, who would be his co-father-in-law in Carlos and TK’s marriage.

Owen is still reeling from his losses in the season premiere.Owen is still reeling from his losses in the season premiere.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

So there’s a tremendous amount of loss that happens to him, and it does shake him to his core, and that’s going to be a lot of his sort of rebirth in season five coming from that and dealing with a lot of the guilt and the grief and stuff like that.

And we’ll do it in some fun ways.

So it’s not so heavy, but there is definitely some darkness that we will explore.

Tommy’s Arc Puts Her to the Test and Highlights a Gifted Gina Torres

Gloved Up and Responding -tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 6Gloved Up and Responding -tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 6
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

And then with Tommy, we see Tommy as she ends the season in this beautiful burgeoning relationship with Trevor, which she never expected to be in after her husband died, certainly not so soon. And we will see her grow in that way and explore that relationship.

Also, there’s our biggest bombshell of all coming Tommy’s way in the middle of our season that carries her to the end of our series because, to be honest, Gina Torres is such a magnificent actor that we wanted to give her just some of the biggest material that we’ve ever given any of our actors on the show.

Carlos and T.K. Face New Challenges & Life Changes Happily Married Couple

And then, Carlos and TK got married. But for me, the marriage was always supposed to be the beginning of the story, and we’re going to explore both men.

Tarlos have lunch together and discuss their day.Tarlos have lunch together and discuss their day.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

Carlos is obviously fixated on his past and what happened to his father, specifically the murder of his father.

So he’s got this pull towards the past, and then there’s TK who, even though he said he was willing to put becoming a father on hold, circumstances present themselves where that’s not so easy to do anymore.

He’s fixated on the future, which will be their conflict point this year.

They will have to grow through it as a married couple.

Nancy Comes to the Forefront While Marjan and Paul Face a Power Struggle

Loyalty -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 16Loyalty -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 16
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

And then we have Nancy. Brianna Baker has her biggest performance of the series, and I think people will be blown away by how terrific she is.

She and Mateo are going strong.

Mateo’s past will come back to him in a big way and threaten everything for him.

Paul and Marjan are battling to be the next lieutenant, and we will explore what that does to their friendship and what it means after this whole battle’s over and there’s a new power structure.

We’re also going to get into these people’s lives, particularly with Marjan, and get into her personal life in a way we’ve never done on the show. So there’s just a lot of stuff coming for everybody. So I hope that everybody feels really excited.

Crafting a Satisfactory End in an Unexpected Final Season

Owen, Paul, and Marjan assess a call.Owen, Paul, and Marjan assess a call.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

It all sounds very exciting. I’m disappointed over this cancellation news.

Yeah, me too.

I know it’s heartbreaking for everyone. We know how this business is, so I wonder: Did you guys manage to craft a satisfactory ending, just in case?

Yeah, out of respect and love for the show, I was holding onto two things in my mind at the same time that didn’t always agree with each other.

But on the one hand, I always was hoping and still hold a little candle for this show’s future because, to be honest, I do think it’s ending too early, certainly creatively.

Mateo works the hose.Mateo works the hose.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

I love these actors; they’re just scratching the surface of their capabilities. But at the same time, I also knew the reality of where we are in the world and that our show is owned by a different conglomerate than our network.

Financial pressures would make this show very difficult to produce in this environment, so we knew that this was likely to be our last go-round.

So, that made it a priority for me to find a way to end this show, or I should say, end this season, in a way that feels like a beautiful, poetic, and fitting ending for all of these characters we just talked about.

But at the same time, it doesn’t close the book so hard that if, by some 11th-hour miracle, we were able to come back or our ratings do such an undeniable number, or whatever that prayer or hope is, we could come back without it feeling weird.

So we left it open a little bit at the end so that we could come back if, God willing, there was a chance to.

Leaving Room for More: 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Will Prove There’s So Much More Story to Tell

Ranger Reyes struts to the scene of a call.Ranger Reyes struts to the scene of a call.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

I saw the first three episodes or so, and having seen them, I could envision potential branches to explore, like the compelling chemistry between Carlos and Campbell.

I recall you mentioning that a spinoff would be awesome. If nothing else can come out of this, I see that as a story you guys can continue exploring.  

I know, I agree. And to be honest, that was also part of my secret evil plan: to show that there are more shows in this show. You know what I mean?

There’s enough story, great actors, and great characters that it could spin off in different directions, and there’s life there. So I hope the audience sees that, too.

Exciting Calls Will Contribute to Character Evolution

The Squad goes in ready for it all.The Squad goes in ready for it all.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

And final question: Can you tease what types of exciting calls we may see this season?

For the record, the train derailment is a huge feat, and it’s intense, exciting, and heartwrenching all at once. I feel it’s one of your strongest yet.

I agree! Thank you, thank you.

But what other cases and calls can you tease coming up this season that will have people excited?

Sure. I talked about Owen’s rebirth a little bit and part of what we’re going to do to help him with his rebirth. I’ve always felt like Owen and Rob Lowe were due for their first to earn their way to becoming a little more cowboy on this show set in Texas.

So we will have some calls that require him to get his cowboy on and then lead him into embracing cowboy culture in a way we’ve never done. So that’s a lot of fun — very high octane, high action kind of old-fashioned western chase.

Then we’re doing some Texas Ranger cases that allow us to tell some darker, more intense stories and cases involving real-world stuff about smuggling, human smuggling, and drug smuggling.

We also have some old-fashioned, gigantic apocalyptic cases that will come late in our season and take us to the end.

So I think people’s minds will be blown by just how big it gets. But my hope is that they also say, yep, that’s his figure. So this show would definitely go out like that. So that’s the hope.

Enjoying the Final Season in All Its Glory

Mateo helps a victim out of the car in the season premiere.Mateo helps a victim out of the car in the season premiere.
(Kevin Estrada/FOX)

Well, thank you for speaking with me. The season sounds like an exciting one, and all of us Lone Star Fanatics are bummed about the cancellation, and I know you all are as well, so I’m sorry about that; I really am.

Yeah, I appreciate that we are.

If you ever want to talk about anything else, I’m always happy to hype the show as much as possible. A lot of great people have worked on it, and I’m just really proud of all the work that they have done.

Over to you, 9-1-1: Lone Star Fanatics.

What are your thoughts on the direction this final season is going in, and which stories are you looking forward to most?

Hit the comments below and share with us!

9-1-1: Lone Star airs Mondays at 8/7c on FOX, and you can stream the following day on Hulu.


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